Vendor Setup Instructions
Welcome to [Lowheads]
You've been invited to join our highly curated family of underground brands that sell on our site.
Selling with [Lowheads] comes with exclusive marketing opportunities and a way to make more sales risk-free.
Feel free to DM us @lowheads_ with any questions, we reply most quickly on Instagram.
Start here to set up your products:
Read vendor terms and conditions. By creating an account, you agree to these terms and conditions.
Register for two accounts below:
[Products Dashboard] :
[Orders/Payment Dashboard]:
In the orders/payment dashboard, go to "My Billing". Click "Continue to Stripe Connect" and follow instructions to register for Stripe payouts.
[SKIP THIS STEP IF YOU ARE NOT SYNCING YOUR SHOPIFY STORE]. If you'd like to connect your Shopify store with ours, please follow these video instructions on how to do so -
If not syncing your Shopify store, you can follow these instructions to manually set up your items.
Add your shipping time to your profile in the products dashboard
Add your products in the products dashboard. Please make sure your product prices have your US shipping cost included.